Emily Mumford – Colonic Specialist
Practising since 2009
Colonic treatment £95
To book, please email me and send me your mobile number.
You can also text me on 07722 906668 – this number only accepts texts – not phonecalls.
I am afraid I don’t offer weekend appointments.
Colonic treatment £95
(one and a half to two and a half hours)
including full consultation and abdominal massage.
FeeIling bloated?
Lacking in energy?
Do you suffer from constipation?
Or frequent diarrhoea?
I would love to help you too
After a ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority earlier this year, I am now required to have these words on my website:
“Colon hydrotherapy is not in any way intended as a ‘cure’ or ‘medical’ treatment. It should not be seen as an alternative to seeing your GP if you have any health concerns.
Neither is it intended to infer or imply symptoms of IBS or other bowel conditions will be solved.”
How colonics can boost the immune system – click here.
This week’s Feedback:
“I feel so much better after my colonic. I am no longer bloated and have been going to loo regularly. Very pleased with colonic and will definitely get top up treatments in future.”
Y.F. Ossett
“The day of the treatment and for 2-3 days after I felt amazing, on top of the world!! It was awesome, my stomach was squishy again, the bit under my belly button that was inflamed and soreness disappeared. I was shocked at how overnight I felt so much better after that one treatment. I slept better too and even passed a stool naturally on Friday.”
H.J. Shelley
“I’m feeling great to be honest, really enjoyed my evening and the treatment! You really made me feel at ease and it was such a pleasant experience. “
Further feedback
Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation, is the process of removing faeces and toxins from the colon and intestinal tract by introducing water, sometimes mixed with herbs or other liquids, into the colon via the rectum using specialist equipment.
It is estimated that 60% of faecal matter is made up of bacteria and, depending of the health of your gut, most of these could be the “bad” bacteria that we hear about on probiotic yoghurt ads. In order to change this and nuture a colon where the majority are “good” bacteria – the bacteria that help us to digest our food and so support our health – we need more than probiotics – we need a good clearout!
What to expect
Please allow up to two hours as the initial treatment includes an extensive consultation, both for relevant medical details to be taken, and for you to ask any questions before the treatment begins. I will endeavour to explain the treatment in whatever depth you need; some prefer not to know and just get on with it! Others prefer to know the ins and out before they feel ready to proceed.
IBS, Constipation and Bloating – it is in this area that I believe colonic irrigation has the most tangible benefits. It doesn’t work for everyone, but colonics can transform someone’s relationship with their bowel – I have been given this feedback over and over again.
The treatment itself takes between 45-55 minutes. Afterwards I will invite you to use the bathroom to sit on the loo. Most people release the majority of their faecal matter during the treatment, followed by some faecal matter on the loo, either way is normal. You will then return to the treatment room where we will chat for a bit and I’ll check how you are feeling, ascertain whether you passed any faecal matter in the bathroom in order to satisfy myself that the bowel has settled and that you are ready to leave. Many people are nervous about the drive home. Have no fear! I always make sure that this is never an issue.
Subsequent treatments take approximately one to one and a half hours.
To book email
A video of me – more than 10 years old now! When I first started out – explaining and administering a treatment.
Copyright © 2025 | Emily MumFord